Surya Avahana for the Source of Your Life

  • 11 years ago
Spiritual Significance of the worship of the Sun

Sun is the centre of the universe and is considered to be the source of life on planet Earth. Without the Sun, one cannot imagine of existence at all. Hence from time immemorial, the Sun has been revered as a deity and worshipped. Suryanasmakara is a salutation to this powerful celestial body, around which other planets revolve and take light and heat from it. It is believed that whoever worships Lord Surya is bound to have a dynamic personality, as He rejuvenates life and makes one feel young, agile, brilliant and healthy.

In addition, in Hindu philosophy, Surya upasana (meditation) is prescribed in the scriptures, as Lord Krishna Himself had given the scriptural teachings to Lord Sun. This has reference in the Bhagvad Gita (Chapter IV).Therefore one needs the blessings of Lord Surya to gain a subtle intellect, to understand the ultimate truth of the Lord.
