Permaculture ~ Silvopasture ~ Agroforestry

  • 12 years ago
Silvopasture is the intentional combination of trees, forage and livestock managed as a single integrated practice. In a typical silvopasture practice, perennial grasses and/or grass-legume mixes are planted between rows of trees for livestock pasture. The trees not only provide a long-term investment for nut crops or a timber harvest, but also provide the animals shade in the summer and a windbreak in the winter. In turn, the forage base provides feed for beef cattle which ultimately provides livestock sales for short-term income. A silvopasture practice diversifies farm income; can minimize the need for chemical or mechanical vegetation control; and can reduce hay and feeding costs for livestock

Silvopastoral management creates an environment where trees, forage, and livestock can be developed to their full economic potential. Ideally, the tree species selected for a silvopastoral practice should be marketable - this includes both the wood itself and other products such as nuts or fruit, offering another source of income in addition to livestock. In a rotational grazing system, a successful silvopastoral practice requires understanding forage growth and managing the timing and duration of grazing to avoid browsing of young tree seedlings or the elongating shoots. Precautions should be taken, such as fencing, to prevent trampling or rubbing of the young trees as well as over-grazing and soil compaction.