"What's with that guy" by Barack Obama, michael hermiston sung by m.h.

  • 11 years ago
OBAMA: "What's with that guy?"

LEONARD: "Sir?" (coughs)

OBAMA: "He's shifty...he's never standing where his voice is coming from."

LEONARD: "Ummm..."

OBAMA: "And he's a large lump isn't he? All pudge and hair."

that's are prime minister Mr Stephen Harper
what's with that guy
he won't listen he's so uptight
he won't listen to to Chief Spence at all
he listens like a cement wall
that's our prime minister
mr harper

he's shifty shifting money to the rich
worker's rights to the floor
garbage bagging art and education
native treaties scrapped again
science out the door
crowning all those men of oil
turns our class struggle
into a war
