Thousands say final good-byes to singer Jenni Rivera

  • 12 years ago
Friends, family and fans packed Los Angeles' Gibson Amphitheater on Wednesday (December 19) to say their final farewells to Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera.

Rivera's family - including her parents, siblings and children - carried her red coffin on stage.

Musical and spoken tributes punctuated the two-hour event, with the audience often breaking into chants.

Rivera's father, Pedro, remembered his daughter with pride.

SOUNDBITE: Pedro Rivera saying (Spanish):

"Daughter, how proud I am to say that I am your father. Your happiness, your smile, your affection for the public will never be forgotten."

Her 15-year-old daughter, Jenicka Priscilla Lopez, addressed her mother directly.

SOUNDBITE: Jenicka Priscilla Lopez saying (English):

"Mom, I thank you for being the best mom any girl could have. I thank you for caring for me although I didn't show that I loved you. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being an obedient daughter or a respectful daughter."

Rivera died last week when her Lear jet crashed 15 minutes after take-off, en route from Monterrey to Toluca, Mexico. She was 43.
