EpicRewardz- Awesome rewards gpt site way better than points2shop!

  • 12 years ago
*******Please Read*******
Note: If your a hardcore gamer and a computer geek this site is for you!

Sign up:

Payment proof:

offer guide:

Minimum cashout: $1 Paypal, $1 Amazon
Custom Rewards!

Daily Survey Payouts :
My Thought Counts - $1.55
Global Survey Router - $.55
DumpeeDailies - $.80
IDz Daily - $.75
Opinion Surveys - $.80
Live Sample - $.90
Give Us Your 2 Cents - $.80
SSI Surveys - $.65
MyView - $.70
My Thought Counts [Long] - $1.55
Amp - $.65
***Plus you get tons of pages of the most popular $1 offers that credits 100%!
***And For New Members who signs up gets a free $2.50 from EpicRewardz!