Mentor Financial Group Scam | Making Offers & More


by alax.hooper

Mentor Financial Group Scam

When I researched this I found the answer for you. Mentor Financial Group says on their website that they will pay you a $10,000 finders fee for helping them to find properties that they can buy to fix up and resell. I wanted to find out how long they have been doing something like this to see proof that Mentor Financial Group is a scam or maybe I would find out that they are for real.

Mentor Financial Group was started in Lakewood, Colorado in 1997 by Peter Conti and David Finkel. Peter was a former auto mechanic who started investing in real estate in 1990. David was a former U.S.A. Olympics men's field hockey team player who got injured right before the Olympics and had to sit it out. Peter Conti became a millionaire within three and a half years of getting started by buying real estate with little or nothing down.

The investing methods used in the 1990's by Peter Conti and David Finkel appear to be lease options, owner carry, and other low down real estate investing methods.
In 2005 Peter Conti bought David out of Mentor Financial Group and ran the company on his own for a number of years. Once the real estate market tanked in 2008 Peter discovered that the old methods of making money in a rising market no longer made sense. He began to focus mainly on the commercial real estate marketplace, doing deals, teaching others, and writing books.