Chinese Demand High for iPhone 5, China Unicom Takes 300K Preorders

  • 12 years ago
Chinese consumers are eagerly awaiting the iPhone 5; demand for the smartphone has been very high, with around 300,000 online orders already placed with China Unicom. Apple will start selling the phone in China this Friday.

According to China Unicom, most of the orders are coming from Beijing. Orders from Guangdong, Shandong and Shanghai have also been high.

Statistics of orders shared by China Unicom on its blog indicate 74 percent of orders were placed by male consumers. 52 percent of the orders are from people aged between 20 and 30-years-old. And about 85 percent of them are choosing to buy the 16GB model.

Back in January when China Unicom was accepting preorders for the iPhone 4S, the carrier's web site could not handle the large amount of traffic and stopped taking orders.

Analysts predict iPhone 5 sales will outnumber previous iPhone models.

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