Padres Mesa Ranch Video Brochure

  • 12 years ago

The Padres Mesa Demonstration Ranch serves as a hands-on training and skills development facility for ranchers of the New Lands and surrounding communities. New and tried and true methods are demonstrated in order to enrich the Navajo ranchers cattle production with the goal of giving them the tools and knowledge to be competitive in the beef industry.

Public events are scheduled throughout the year. Demonstrations and workshops provide experience and knowledge with: cattle handling, branding, animal health, EPDs and more. Demonstrations and work shops are usually coordinated in the same day.

Practicing Beef Quality Assurance produces a superior product, helps build a reputation for professionalism, and can produce greater returns on your investment.

In my personal opinion Beef Quality Assurance is a methodology and a state of mind rather then a badge you wear on your sleeve.

This video was created by me for the Padres Mesa Ranch.