Judge Orders Dad of 9 to Stop Having Children

  • 12 years ago
A judge orders a deadbeat dad of 9 to stop having kids.

44-year-old Corey Curtis from Wisconsin has nine kids by six different mothers. He owes approximately $50,000 in child support along with additional interest costs of almost $40,000. Curtis found himself in court over the back child support.

Judge Tim Boyle was frustrated hearing the case, stating “It’s too bad the court doesn’t have the authority to sterile. Common sense dictates you shouldn’t have kids you can’t afford.”

A prosecutor pointed out that a Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of judges ordering people to not produce further children as a probation condition if they were behind on child support. So that’s exactly what Boyle did.

He made it a condition of Curtis’ probation, stating “He is not to procreate until he can show he can provide for them”.

In 2008, there was a similar case. A young Texas mother was ordered by a judge to stop having children.

She was initially in court for failing to provide medical care and protection for her daughter when the toddler had been beaten by the father.

