Protesters torch Muslim Brotherhood office in Suez

  • 12 years ago

The port city of Suez in Egypt saw violence on the streets on Wednesday (December 5) night as anti-government demonstrators vented their anger by torching the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood.

There were similar scenes in the city of Ismailia. It was not immediately clear if anyone had been injured in the attack on the Freedom and Justice Party office in the Ismailia, east of Cairo.

In the capital Cairo over 200 were injured on Wednesday as Brotherhood supporters heeded a call to march on an anti-government sit-in at the presidential palace.

Mursi's opponents accused him of creating a new autocracy by awarding himself extraordinary powers in a decree on Nov. 22 and were further angered when an Islamist-dominated assembly pushed through a draft constitution that opponents said did not properly represent the aspirations of the whole nation.
