Election 2012: News Coverage in a Polarized America
The Atlantic - Newseum
Steve Capus
NBC News
David Rhodes
CBS News
Ben Sherwood
ABC News
James Fallows
National Correspondent
The Atlantic
Inspired by The Atlantic's enduring partnership with the Aspen Ideas Festival, the third-annual Washington Ideas Forum gathers an audience of 600 people, including government officials, top business executives, global thought leaders, academics, and celebrities. It is the place to hear - and meet - the most prominent thinkers of our time.
This October 5 and 6, the Forum will once again bring the best and brightest to the table for debate, conversation, and idea-sharing.
The Atlantic - Newseum
Steve Capus
NBC News
David Rhodes
CBS News
Ben Sherwood
ABC News
James Fallows
National Correspondent
The Atlantic
Inspired by The Atlantic's enduring partnership with the Aspen Ideas Festival, the third-annual Washington Ideas Forum gathers an audience of 600 people, including government officials, top business executives, global thought leaders, academics, and celebrities. It is the place to hear - and meet - the most prominent thinkers of our time.
This October 5 and 6, the Forum will once again bring the best and brightest to the table for debate, conversation, and idea-sharing.