Christmas lights in Gangnam Style

  • 12 years ago
A house in the Australian city of Perth is rocking its Christmas decoration in Gangnam style.

Every year the neighborhood holds a contest for the best illuminated house, and what better choice of soundtrack could one have than the South Korean mega-hit?

And so began owner Kym Illman's quest for lighting perfection.

Two hundred hours, 41,000 light bulbs and two kilometers of 1.2 miles of cable went into the project.

Then comes the programming -- a painstaking effort, that's all done on a laptop.

SOUNDBITE: Kym Illman, Owner of house, Saying (English)

"So, for instance here, these are arches, and when I press play here, see the arches go backwards and forwards there? And you get that to happen by simply saying, section one of the arch goes on then fades down while section two comes up and fades down, and you have to physically program each one of those. What have I got here? Thirty two different individual channels."

And all just when you think there are no more channels left for Psy to spread the Gangnam Style…

Amazingly the flashy light show only adds 10 U.S. dollars a week to Illman's power bill which he thinks is a small price for being the coolest house in town.