• il y a 13 ans
Until now, thermosetting plastics have been classified as non
RecyclamineTM epoxy hardener technology allows manufacturers, for the first time, to design and produce
fully recyclable epoxy-based composite products. Connora founder and CTO, Dr. Stefan Pastine, invented the
Recyclamine technology.
Connora Technologies, a cleantech
developing an entire line of Recyclamine hardeners that will serve to replace conventional hardeners for
standard composite manufacturing processes. Recyclamine hardeners are specially engin
enabling a mechanism that converts thermosetting epoxies into thermoplastics through a low energy and
environmentally friendly recycling process.
Key Benefits
Recyclamine is a complete sustainable solution for the thermosetting composite
creates value by reducing costs during production, extra
addressing consumer/industry pressure for proactive environmental responsibility and
future regulatory requirements.
fully recyclable epoxy
non-recyclable. Connora Technologies’
chemistry and materials provider based in Hayward, California, is
market. The technology
extracting value at end-of-use or end
epoxy-based composite
