Stop the Genocide,and the Massacres of the Amazighs.

Richard Azzouz

by Richard Azzouz

November 27/2012

Stop The Amazighs Genocide, and Massacres.

In solidarity with the Amazighs victims, under the savage tyrannical despotic racist Arabs occupation in North Africa, Morocco, and the rest.

The Amazighs, are made to suffer genocidal starvations, under malicious conspiracies of the criminal Arab occupying despotic Moroccan regime of dictatorial Tyranny, and the opportunists conspirators accomplices.
Their marginalization, exploitations, and neglects of the Amazighs population, and resources are of grave magnitude in a genocidal/racial crimes against humanity.
Amazighs, are the true owner of the North African region, who are under horrific occupation of these invading Arabs, and their French masters. the South of Morocco, is witnessing a racial tragedy in Imider, where this regime crimes are covered up by his conspirators, and made into a secret.
Tamazight’s resources, have been exploited in a colossal projects folder by the national economical predator, the tyrant Mohamed6, King supreme absolutist of Morocco, and his mafia of conspirators, tugs, and agents in the take, corrupt imposters .