Black Friday's 2012 Video Game Software Deals - Nick's Gaming View Episode #107

  • 12 years ago
I am continuing coverage of the largest shopping day of the year, Black Friday. The day millions of Americans camp, run, and engage in violent actions to catch the best deals is among us and I am here to provide an inside look to the best video game software deals and where you can catch them, THIS IS NICK’S GAMING VIEW!

Hello everyone and welcome to Nick’s Gaming View, you are here with your host, Nick McCandless. For those who have yet to adopt many of 2012’s blockbuster video game releases, this year’s Black Friday holds a plethora of steals. Beginning with Microsoft exclusives, the incredibly successful first-person shooter, Halo 4 will include a $20 gift card if purchased at Target and for those who may have skipped out on Forza Horizon due to the development change, Wal-Mart will be selling the title for just $14.99.

Those looking for exclusives on Sony’s PlayStation 3 also have a healthy collection of deals at Wal-Mart where for just $14.99, gamers will have the opportunity to pick up the God of War Saga and for just $9.99 each, Gran Turismo 5 and the Sly Cooper Collection. Those interested in picking up the recently released, LittleBigPlanet Karting can also do so at a steal by heading to Target where the recent release can be purchased for just $14.99.

For a more casual experience, there will be a wide range of Nintendo Wii releases featuring Nintendo’s video game legends. Priced at just $14.99 a piece, gamers that head to Wal-Mart will be able to pick up Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. While many Nintendo gamers have moved along to the Wii U, for those who have yet to pick up these system-defining titles, there is no longer an excuse.

Closing out this special edition of Nick’s Gaming View with multiplatform releases, Assassin’s Creed III will be available for just $34.99 at Best Buy on both PS3 and 360 and for those looking to purchase the 360 version, another $10 savings can be had at Microsoft’s Online Store on Thanksgiving. Three other recently released AAA titles discounted more than 50%, Dishonored, Max Payne 3, and Borderlands 2 will be available on both PS3 and 360 for just $25 each at Wal-Mart becoming must-buys for those who have yet to pick these phenomenal titles up. This year’s Black Friday is certainly an exciting one for gamers, so if you are interested in these deals, be sure to prepare for the Black Friday madness without forgetting about this holiday called Thanksgiving.

Well that concludes today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View but be sure to follow me on Twitter @NickMcCandless and check back daily for Nick’s Gaming View for your daily access pass to all things gaming.



