Bloodshed in the Middle East.

  • 12 years ago
Another day of bloodshed in the Middle East.

Amateur video from earlier in the week which could not be independently verified by Reuters appears to show a blast in Gaza following an Israeli airstrike.

On Sunday an Israeli missile kills at least 11 Palestinian civilians including four children in Gaza Sunday after an attack on a top militant brought down a building.

An aide to the leadership wrote on Facebook that Hamas would agree to a ceasefire only after Israel "stops its aggression, ends its policy of targeted assassinations and lifts the blockade of Gaza".

Gaza officials say 72 Palestinians , including 21children have been killed since Israel's offensive began Wednesday.

Israel has signaled that that it may launch a ground invasion of Gaza as the next stage in its offensive.

Israel's declared goal is to deplete Gaza arsenals and force the Islamist Hamas to stop rocket fire. The Israeli military says 544 rockets fired from Gaza have hit Israel since Wednesday

Israel's operation has so far drawn Western support for what U.S. and European leaders have called its right to self-defense, but there are also a growing number of appeals from them to seek an end to the hostilities.

