Janet - ARCS Self Defense


by selfondefense


Despite your best efforts to stay safe, there may be times when you are confronted with someone intent on doing you harm. Avoiding unlit or deserted areas may not be enough to ensure that you are adequately protected, but there are things you can do to protect yourself even in the face of a threatening situation. Just because your physical safety is threatened does not mean that you have to end up becoming a victim, and learning a few good self defence tactics can actually save your life.

It is important to note that self defense training is not the same as training in a martial arts. Most modern martial arts focus around competition, usually through the use of judged matches. While self defense systems often draw moves from various martial arts the two sets of systems could not be more different. The point of a martial art is to fight in order to win, while the point of self defense is to fight in order to survive. Mistaking one type of training for the other is incredibly dangerous in the real world, and can put an individual in more danger than if he or she was untrained.