Witness - A Schoolgirl's Odyssey

  • 12 years ago
On October 9, 2012, masked gunmen ambushed a van carrying schoolgirls home in Pakistan's Swat Valley. They shot 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai at point blank range in the head and neck leaving her in critical condition.

The Taliban in Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack and vowed to "finish the chapter" in Malala's story.

Bringing and end to education for girls has long been one of their goals. The young activist was only 11 when she first stood up to the Taliban and despite numerous threats she continued to speak out against them.

This documentary filmed in 2009 follows the journey of Malala and her father as the deteriorating security situation forces them to leave not just their home in Swat Valley but their life's passion.

