PlayStation 4 or Xbox 720 Referenced by Activision - Nick's Gaming View Episode #101


by TheGamerAccess

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Activision’s CEO references a new console outside of the Wii U, Nintendo announces large midnight launch for Wii U, and the developer behind Halo 4 justifies its daily experience point cap, THIS IS NICK’S GAMING VIEW!

Hello everyone and welcome to Nick’s Gaming View, you are here with your host, Nick McCandless. Bobby Kotick, the much despised CEO of Activision, recently rose eyebrows during an investment conference call by stating “We can’t really talk too much about next generation console plans, but I think it’s safe to say you have a Wii U coming out and there will be another new console coming and we expect that they’ll be very successful.” While the idea of another PlayStation and Xbox is common sense, the fact that Activision’s CEO is already referencing another console, seems to validate speculation of Sony and/or Microsoft relinquishing their next console next year.

While speaking on upcoming consoles, Nintendo’s Wii U is just days away from launching and while millions of pre-orders have already been made Nintendo has announced their midnight launch plans taking place in New York’s Rockefeller Plaza. Taking place November 17th from 6pm leading up to midnight of the 18th, Nintendo will be providing premium items and selling t-shirts featuring Nintendo’s famed mascot, Mario, with all proceeds going to the American Red Cross in support of relief efforts of Hurricane Sandy. No details were given on what is qualified as a premium item, but the fact that locals of New York City can take part in such an industry-inspired event while assisting relief efforts should be enough to inspire any fan on Nintendo to attend.

Closing out today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View, the developer behind Halo 4, 343 Industries, has justified their reasoning for placing a daily experience point cap of their recent debut. Community Manager, Jessica Shea responded to the concern with “The daily XP cap is intended to preserve the integrity of the progression system, in other words, it’s in place to provide an early gate from players running amok in their progression.” Not quite sure how hardcore fans of the Halo franchise view this, but personally, restricting player’s ability to go all out and enhance their load-out seems like a poorly made decision.

Well that concludes today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View but be sure to follow me on Twitter @NickMcCandless and check back daily for Nick’s Gaming View for your daily access pass to all things gaming.



