Corporate TakeOver(3): Justice

Sunlight Oxygen

by Sunlight Oxygen

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote to complete the takeover of America by big corporations. Consider the old fashioned American notion of Justice.

If Romney has any authority in the Republican Party, he should immediately put a halt to the blatant effort to disenfranchise large numbers of voters. If he tries and fails, at least he gets 3 character points. As a corollary, it would also prove that the lunatics are, in fact, running the asylum. If he says nothing, or waffles, he should be viewed as an indictable co-conspirator.

Right now the corporatists (“corporate feudalist” as one of our correspondents presents it) dominate Congress via the simple expedient of brute force, AKA money. Citizens United facilitates that. Add a corporatist to the White House who then turns a split Supreme Court into a solid corporatist majority and the takeover of the government by big corporations is complete. They will then turn there attention to the rest of us.

Jeffrey Toobin has argued that Chief Justice Robert’s defection to what thereby became the majority opinion in support of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) was Robert’s clever plan to de-politicize the Supreme Court and thereby re-legitimize it after the twin judicial coups of Bush v Gore and Citizens United.


Our view is that a political decision to de-politicize the Supreme Court retains the stain of politics. We presented that view to Bob Monks who’s been an incisive critic of corporate power for decades.

I am deeply respectful of Bob Monks’ intelligence and insights. I hope he’s right. His is a more generous soul than mine.

To me, it is equally plausible that a clever and ruthless man would not want to waste a perfectly good “third strike.” Why worry about health care when the White House is available? Why not present a respected reporter a well crafted tale about restoring the Court’s legitimacy? Why worry about a third strike at all when you can eject the umpire.

This is not an abstract discussion. Given the uncertainties in the voting processes in Ohio and Florida (among many others), the legitimacy of the Supreme Court and of judicial processes is directly in our faces. If, God help us, the election is close and the result turns on states where Republicans have prevented citizens from registering to voted and registered voters from voting, the Supreme Court of the United States cannot be relied on to participate*, in any way, in resolving the outcome. That is a terrible state of affairs and it is precisely the case. Justice will not allow it. Nor, I trust, will the American people.

What does this have to do with big corporations? Consciously or not, John Roberts is their agent. The Citizens United decision is all the evidence necessary. It established both the rationale and the means for the corporate takeover. The next president will almost certainly be appointing new justices to the Supreme Court. That could complete the corporate takeover of our government. Mr. Roberts is very clever, but it will be a chilly day in hell when he convinces me that Justice has not chosen exile should this travesty come to pass.

Just this once, I really, really hope I’m wrong.