• 12 years ago
Revellers in an English town burnt an effigy of the U.S. cyclist Lance Armstrong during their Bonfire Night celebrations on Saturday (November 3).

The 30 foot (10 metre) representation of the now disgraced but one time seven times winner of the Tour de France race was burned in Edenbridge in Kent alongside a traditional representation of the British historical figure Guy Fawkes.

Edenbridge, in common with much of Britain, marks Guy Fawkes Night -- a reliving of the failed attempt in 1605 to blow up Britain's parliament -- with a bonfire and fireworks each November, but adds spice to the bawdy festival by choosing a public figure to be "Celebrity Guy".

Various, usually British, public figures have shared the dubious honour of being burned in effigy, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair and soccer player Wayne Rooney.
