Fireflies by Adrien Miniatti - Magic Trick

  • 12 years ago
Available from
Now you will be able to put the lite from your fingers to any place you need (Your shirt a book a puppet ...).
Using several Gimmicks you will be able to make shapes of lights like a heart or a dove. Another wonderfull idea is to perform a matrix of lights with 7 gimmicks set up on your shirt.
The electronic gimmick will light on or light off when you put your hand in front of it.
Easy to do very easy to set up a revolution in lights magic
Easy to use
Quick set up
Light up automaticly when a magnet is near the gimmick
High quality
Red light
Note that the electromagnetic system needs to work with a small magnet that you need to supply yourself (like a Round Magnet 12 mm x 1.5 mm). You can of course purchase those magnets at your favorite shop. You can also use a PK ring. A great addition to your Dlite routine (Dlite not included).
Includes 1 electronic gimmick 1 battery and instruction sheet.