Blindsight 2 by Devin Knight - Magic Trick

  • 12 years ago
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The performer shows an 8.5 x 11 inch chart that has the names of four different colors printed on it in different color inks. He says he will attempt to confuse a participants mind. A participant is asked to quickly call out the color of the ink that each word is printed in. Despite his best efforts he invariably miscalls some of the colors. For example if the ink is blue he may say it is red.
This is all very amusing to the audience as he cannot seem to say all the colors correctly
The performer says that if the participant is having trouble correctly naming colors that he can see perhaps he can do better if he cannot see the colors. The performer says he would like to try an experiment to see if the participant has the ability to detect colors sight unseen. The performer shows some opaque envelopes and four different large colored cards. The four cards are placed inside the 6 x 9 envelopes and mixed so the participant has no idea which envelope contains which colored card. Next the envelopes are held up one at a time in front of the participant. The performer asks the participant to attempt to use Blindsight (the ability to see colors sight unseen in your mind) to determine which color is in each envelope.
The participant says which color he thinks is inside the first envelope. The performer then writes that color on the outside of the envelope. This is repeated until all the envelopes have a color written on the outside of them. After each envelope has a color written on it the participant is asked to set aside one envelope for the grand finale.
For a climax the performer opens each envelope and shows that the participant has successfully used Blindsight to correctly determine which color was in each envelope. The performer has the participant pick up the envelope he set aside and remove the colored card. Assume it is yellow. Obviously it matches the color written on the envelope because the