Two children stabbed to death in NY, nanny is top suspect

  • 12 years ago
The scene outside the New York apartment building where two children of a television executive were stabbed to death.

New York police say the main suspect in this grizzly crime is their nanny.

The children's mother Marina Krim discovered their bodies when she returned to their apartment just a block away from Central Park.

Commissioner Ray Kelly

SOUNDBITE: New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly Saying:

"The children were found in the tub. They were clothed. We believe now that the nanny began to stab herself as the woman entered the room, entered the bathroom.

He says 50-year-old Yoselyn Ortega, the children's nanny is in critical condition after cutting her own throat and slitting her wrist. She is sedated but police say they plan to interview her over the weekend and will bring charges in the coming days.

Outside Ortega's apartment in Harlem, locals say they're shocked by the reports. Neighbor Ruben Rivas described Ortega as pleasant.

"Normal and very nice person. A person who used to say 'Hi' and 'Bye' and 'God bless you,' 'Take care of yourself'. I think she was very religious. Yes."

Police say that Kevin Krim, the children's father, an executive at CNBC Digital was traveling when the incident occurred and that officers met him at the airport and notified him of the tragedy.