Nutrisco, program against malnutrition among school children in Vietnam

  • il y a 12 ans
The Nutridev programme was implemented in Vietnam for 16 years, between 1994 and 2010, prior to being taken over by the local and national authorities. This is one of the first countries where Nutridev worked, where numerous innovations were tested and rolled out. The lessons learned have been the subject of publications and contributed to improving the Nutridev method internationally.
Although Nutridev gives priority focus to the crucial period when children are aged between 6 and 24 months, in Vietnam it also developed a specific strategy for school children. GRET and IRD created the “Bisavit A” biscuits and “HFB” (High Fortified Biscuit), fortified with micronutrients, and implemented nutrition education actions with teachers. Between 2008 and 2010, a system involving local education services to distribute biscuits in a controlled manner in school settings was tested, while planning a solidarity mechanism to sell the HFB biscuits.

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