• 12 years ago
http://www.collegenetwork.com/youtube After working more than 20 years in emergency medical service in New York City, one devastating event changed Jean Brennan's life forever: 9/11, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

September 11, 2001 started out as a normal day. Jean, who was a paramedic at the time, went to work at her hospital in Brooklyn, New York expecting it to be like any other day, but soon realized this was not going to be the case. She happened to look out of a window at 9:03am and saw an airplane fly into one of the World Trade Center towers. Jean worked on the scene for 24 hours straight and described it as very surreal. "I got it. I got how busy it was. How crazy it was. It was like I was watching a movie. It was happening in slow motion," she remembers.

Jean had been thinking about getting her nursing degree for some time, but the tragic events on September 11, 2001 are what motivated her to enroll in Excelsior College's® Paramedic to RN program with the help of The College Network®. "I love being a paramedic, but I wanted to do something more proactive instead of reactive. I wanted something that promoted health, because that promotes peace," she says.

Jean has since completed her Paramedic to RN program using The College Network's Comprehensive Learning Modules™ which she described using the word "fabulous". "The College Network nursing program made it simple by combining all the material necessary for each course into one resource book. Other programs give you five different books. I was working full-time during the program and I could take the book to work. I had everything I needed in one book," Jean describes.

For Jean, success in her program was made easy by The College Network. "You know what? It is self motivation. You get all the materials you need to succeed, and you have to do it," she explains. Jean says getting her RN degree from The College Network will improve her life, because she now has the flexibility to create her own niche in nursing and holistic medicine.

The College Network® provides educational solutions that help individuals earn advanced degrees from leading universities to get a better job and improve their quality of life. Call 1-800-395-1014 today for a FREE academic consultation and to learn about our success guarantee.

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