Part-1: Altaf Hussain address a huge gathering of workers and sympathizers of the party in Jinnah Ground

  • 12 years ago
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that Malala Yousufzai is the symbol of knowledge which the Taliban want to suppress. The cowardly attack on Malala and her classmates was the attack on Islam, the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and the humanity. It was an attack on the enlightened and bright face of Pakistan. He said this while talking to a huge gathering of workers and sympathizers of the party in Jinnah Ground. The address of Mr Hussain was relayed to over 36 locations throughout Pakistan.
Speaking to the people of Pakistan Mr Hussain said it was time to decide if they wanted Pakistan to survive and progress or they would allow it to be wiped out from the map of the world. He said that mere lips service was not enough as nothing would happen unless words are matched by actions.
Mr Hussain said that the entire nation would have to rise against the heartless killers. They would have to wage struggle as the time to take a decision has arrived. “We have to decide if we want a Pakistan of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah or we want a Pakistan of the Taliban. You are either with the Taliban or you are against them. There is no third option.”
“The enlightened segment of the society will have to come in the field. The civil society will have to come forward and assert itself for saving the country.”
Speaking to the students Mr Hussain said, “You must continue to go to your schools in order to dispel the dark clouds of ignorance. Education is the only means for opening the closed doors of the mind.”
Mr Hussain praised the religious scholars who minced no words in condemning the barbaric attack on young students as un-Islamic. He said that those religious scholars who shied away from condemning the Taliban for their dastardly act were, in fact, filling their bellies by selling the names of Allah and His prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) for petty worldly gains.
Speaking about the drone strikes, Mr Hussain regretted that some elements were trying to find some sort of justification for the brutal attack on Malala Yousufzai and her classmates by saying that it was a fall-out of the drone attacks.
Mr Hussain appealed to the Chief Justice to take suo motu notice of the merciless attack on Malala Yousufzai and her class fellows.
He said that the MQM had always condemned the drone strikes and the killing of innocent people in these attacks. The MQM had also organized protest demonstrations against them. He categorically stated that the MQM cannot support drone strikes in the country.
Mr Hussain asked the people to stop donating money to such elements who did not even hesitate from attacking students like Malala Yousufzai.


