Bill in Egg by Jeff Lee (DVD with Gimmick) - Magic Trick

  • 12 years ago
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This is the ULTIMATE Bill To effect
A Chickens egg is chosen and inspected by a spectator (no stooges). THE EGG CAN BE THOUGHLY EXAMINED There is nothing to find...
You then ask the spectator to sign their initials on the egg. The egg can remain in the spectators possession the ENTIRE TIME
You NEVER touch the Egg ...
Next you borrow a Bill / Bank Note from a member of the audience. Like magic the Bill Vanishes
Finally you ask the SPECTATOR to crack the egg into an ordinary glass.
The spectators Bill is found INSIDE
No Stooges
No switching
No sleight of hand
Works with ANY currency
Close - up
Parlor Stage
Includes DVD and Gimmick