Tarot Reading Secrets DVD (2 DVD Set) - Magic Trick

  • 12 years ago
Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
For the psychic entertainer or Tarot Guru wannabe This class has been put together by an experienced teacher of Tarot.
Dean your instructor has been reading tarot since the age of 4 teaching tarot for over 18 years and reading in an entertainment environment for over 15 years. He has it all- The new age knowledge The business know-how the performers experience and more.
Dean has been teaching full day Tarot seminar for years and compiles much of that material and the information from his Tarot with Tude and Tarot CD set into this newly filmed DVD course. For the FIRST TIME however in addition to teaching a full system of Tarot card reading Dean will share he secrets as a professional psychic entertainer and his philosophy and theories about doing readings for the public as entertainment. He will tell you the dangers and things to watch out for help you work within your OWN beliefs (If you believe it this stuff or think it is all crap you CAN still do readings from an ethical place.) teach you how to make MONEY
In this program you will learn a system of reading that is legitimate to those who believe in such things BUT it will allow you to interpret any deck of cards you might come across even playing cards. The instructional sections feature visual and auditory mnemonics build into comfortable animated and live video segments created in HD format.
This program will also be augmented through this page with occasional updates expansions hand outs and more.
Plus if you purchase this DVD directly from us you can always E mail questions and get follow up consultation if you are confused about a given card or have a question about a given situation. In fact your e mails and questions will become additional follow up material for the benefit of ALL who purchase this set.
Also Includes DVD rom Content PDF version of Tarot With Tude book- a 19 value
Vol 1 DVD
Running Time Approximately 1hr 41mins