Cameron on Letterman

  • 12 years ago
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron was comically quizzed on British history when he appeared on television's The Late Show with David Letterman Wednesday night (September 26).

The Prime Minister was asked who wrote Rule Britannia to which he hesitantly replied, "Elgar. Later in the show letterman corrected him. Letterman said,"Rule Britannia which is a beautiful refrain based on a poem by James Thompson. Are you Familiar with James Thompson?" To which the PM replied, "I am now." The response drew laughter from the audience.

Mister Cameron got the 1215 signing date of the the Magna Carta correct but Letterman persisted asking him, "The literal translation is what? The Prime Minister replied "Again you are testing me."Letterman chided him with, "Boy it would be good if you knew this," said Letterman. Mister Cameron agreed, "Yes, it would" he said. The audience applauded

Mr. Cameron was in New York to give a speech before the United Nations General Assembly earlier in the day.
