• 13 years ago
As a tribute to "the soldiers who died fighting for our country," KC Jockey's "Livinin Love" music video is the story of a soldier who deals with losing and gaining love. Being at war in Iraq causes his girlfriend to grow impatient of being apart and break up with him, but once he returns from war, love conquers all. The soldier returns to the smiles and cheers of his beloved family and friends, as well as into the arms of his apologetic girlfriend. The scenario makes you wonder whether or not the girl would stick around if her boyfriend had to return to war again...

The positive message and optimistic vibe of the actual song is unexpected after watching the soldier and his girlfriend argue and break up at the beginning of the video. With a rhythmic and dynamic percussion, "Livinin Love" speaks about being in love and being thankful for what you have. It is a feel-good anthem that could brighten anyone's day by encouraging them to just smile and be happy. The downers, pessimists, and ungrateful beings of the world should take a listen to it in hopes of recovering from their dark days and moving on with their lives. As for our valiant war heroes, after being exposed to so much hate and violence, and defending their nations so that the rest of us can live in peace, "Livinin Love" shows them what they're fighting for and what we wish for them.

Email: tv@musicdish.net
Website: http://kcjockey.com
