Best Of The Bottoms (2 DVD Set) by Richard Turner - Magic Trick

World Of Magic

by World Of Magic

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Best Of The Bottoms (2 DVD Set)
by Richard Turner
Many of the demonstrations open with a wash-riffle-riffle-strip-riffle and a cut or with a cut card placed on the bottom. Then the bottoms begin. You can now get around the cut card
In this two-DVD set Richard (A Master Fifth Degree Black Belt) uses his 35 years of martial arts footage to talk about discipline and focus. He addresses the many speculations about his super bat-like vision questions like Is it true that he blocks with his head to protect his hands
The DVD concludes with the LA Times story describing how he took on ten fighters for his first black belt.
But the meat and potatoes are the hours in-between where this DVD will include Turners See Saw Bottom Deal with his Clip Take. The See-Saw will be shown with cards face-up on the bottom.. Close-up dealing top bottom top bottom.. with Turners hand resting dead still on the table... from above dealing the bottoms opening the hand before each deal to show the deck does not need to be framed.. and from under a glass table to clearly see the below finger work.
You will also learn
Gamblers Palm from a Riffle Shuffle Sailing the Bottom Sailing the Stud Turners Off Beat Bottom Palming While Riffle Shuffling Upper Corner Stud Bottom Turners Dead Top Bottom Turners One Hand Bottom Vernons Open Hand Bottom (Marlos Vernon story told by Turner as he demonstrates the deal) Turners Open Hand Stud Turners Diagonal Down 4 Beats a Full A Double Duke for Holdem Double Duke Stud
Only With a Bottom Four Magic Effects Using the Bottom Four to One Dead Mans Hand Aces 2 and Card Finds the Card Turners Cut Card Palm Turners Cut Card Shifts - TCCS Five Ways (Using TCCS you can now get around the cut card and freely use your bottom deals) Other Gambling Effects using the TCCS Looks Like a Greek Looks Like a Greek Stud Bottom Greek Holdem Sucker Must Be a Center Black Jack Every TimeRunning Ti