Protest Vendee Pro day 2 Highlights

  • il y a 12 ans
La Sauzaie, Brétignolles-sur-Mer - FRANCE (Friday, April 20, 2012) -- The ASP 3-Star Protest Vendee Pro completed its second day of competition today which started at 9am this morning at the backup venue of Les Dunes. Conditions allowed the Top Seeds entering the competition in its third Round to display their fantastic abilities to the public's eyes.

Vincent Duvignac (FRA) 24, was on fire this morning in the first heat of the day opening up with an incredible 9.33 out of 10, and confirming his overwhelming lead with a 8.33 to put his three opponents in a combination zone, needing two scores to try and get the first place.

«It's a good start for me in this contest.» Vincent Said. «The conditions are once again not easy with waves breaking all over the place but I know this type of condition, I've surfed in Les Sables d'Olonne a lot and there's the same kind of break.»

Confirming his great form later on by winning his Round of 32 confrontation, Vincent Duvignac showed his extreme motivation to move through the next rounds of competition and get closer to the final rounds.
