TMJ and Migraine Therapy at Dr. Steve Anundsen's Dental Office in Lakewood, CO - Alpine Dental Arts

  • 12 years ago, Alpine Dental Arts and Dr. Steve Anundsen can help you with your dental issues but did you know that if you suffer from migraines, tension headaches, aching jaws or a stiff neck and shoulders it could be dental related?

If you suffer from any of these problems, you may have a condition that has been known by a number of names over the years, including TMJ, TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder), MPD (Myofascial Pain Disorder). Regardless of the name, they all cause the problems listed above, and they can all be related to the same thing -- clenching or grinding your teeth when you are sleeping or awake.

Some of the strongest muscles in your body are involved in clenching, and clenching while sleeping can cause these muscles to tense up ten times more intensely than in people without these problems. The increased tension can be a big factor in migraines, morning headaches, jaw pain, and can even cause damage to surrounding joints, teeth and other muscles.

These muscles, called the masticatory muscles, are located on the sides of your head and are used when you are closing your mouth or chewing. When these muscles tense up during clenching, they can create a tremendous amount of stress and tension for your jaw joints, your neck muscles and your teeth.

The high-intensity contractions of the powerful muscles responsible for the clenching become sore and painful, like when you work out too hard at the gym. The forces generated cause pain not only in these muscles, but in surrounding tissues, joints and other muscles. When you reduce the intensity of the clenching, you minimize the source of the pain. In many cases, you can actually feel relief in just a few days.

Call 303-980-4800 for an appointment today at Alpine Dental Arts.

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