Munich memorial for 1972 Olympic attacks

  • 12 years ago
Forty years after 11 Israelis were killed by gunmen at the 1972 Munich Games, the German city hosts a commemoration day at the former Olympic village.

Survivors of the attacks and family members of the victims joined the Munich mayor and Olympic officials at the anniversary event.

Israel's deputy prime minister will also be attending a later memorial service held at the small military airport in Munich where the victims were killed.

One survivor of the attacks said the ceremony was held with hope that such violence would not be repeated.


"We are coming here just to remember, but also to see the future, that it will not happen again. That's why we are making this kind of ceremonies, to forget about the terror and to hope that in the next future we don't have any more terror and we will be all safe."

On September 5, 1972, members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by Palestinian gunmen at the athlete's village.

Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five Palestinians and a German policeman were dead after a standoff and a subsequent botched rescue effort.