Your Phoenix Video-Drawing !

  • il y a 12 ans
Give yourself the opportunity to discover the Phoenix Game via a video and share the experience with your friends. The videa contains a personnal drawing performed by a certified interpreter of your choice and 6 to 8 minutes dedicated to find answers to your question. The video can be watched or shared as many times as you wish. You'll receive a confidential and top-secret video-drawing within 48 hours through youtube. The amount reaches 25$ per session via PayPal (secure payment). This could be a great and original gift to offer to yourself or your friends. The Phoenix Game is a precious help to find a way out to your troubles and unsolved questions. It is a wonderful opportunity to challenge your wit, your intelligence, to make commentaries or highlight previously ignored issues: a moment to share indeed! We guarantee you that the video-drawing will be absolutuely confidential and professionnal.

LANGUAGES: English, France, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Bambara, Soninké and Fulani.