CGRundertow MARIO'S TIME MACHINE for Super Nintendo Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Mario's Time Machine Review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Mario's Time Machine for the Super Nintendo. Oh the mighty have fallen. While trying to educate young minds, Mario starred in some crappy educational games like Mario's Time Machine. The mustached plumber needs to return artifacts that Bowser stole to their proper places in time, in an adventure that could bore you back into school again. Interactivity is something that should help users engage with the material...but with Mario's Time Machine, it only serves to bore people to death. It's hard to be objective about a Mario game too, since they are commonly good games. While this wasn't directly developed by Nintendo themselves.....they should still be slapped, hard, for letting this outside. This video review features video gameplay footage of Mario's Time Machine on the SNES, and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Jonathan.

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