
  • il y a 12 ans
12 days 22 hours 13 minutes 12 seconds: Aurélien Ducroz, two-time world champion freeskier, finished in 14th place of the Transat Québec Saint Malo. This only continuous west-to-east Atlantic crossing was full of emotional moments for Aurélien Ducroz, skieur-skipper and his teammates Eric Péron and Thomas le Breton. After crossing the start line in the lead, the crew has been the 1st to pass the buoy of Rimouski in the St. Lawrence River, was 4 times leader of the Class40 fleet, and managed to stay in the lead group for most of the race. Despite a rudder damage that delayed the crew, Aurélien, Éric and Thomas managed to overcome the damages of the end of the race and crossed the finish line smiling. As soon as he arrived in Saint-Malo, Aurélien confirmed his projects: to sail the Transat Jacques Vabre in 2013 and the Route du Rhum in 2014.

