A Ma Mamina Chérie Delyza

  • il y a 12 ans
A mes amis
le texte qui suit a été écrit par notre chère Délyza lors de la disparition de sa chère et tendre maman:
Delyza me l'a envoyé personnellement
et à cette occasion je voulais vous le mettre pour avoir un dernier souvenir de notre amie bien aimée

My dear Delyza
My sweet mamina
The'll say you're dead, but I will not believe.
I'm not saying farewell but simply a goodbye.
You saw death coming with wisdom and courage in your pain and
When it is time for us to leave, I know you'll be there to greet us.
A few days before we leave, you told me: "I ​​will not be there, but I'll be in your heart and I will protect you."
You will be for us thousands winds,
You will be in the twinkling stars,
In the light passing through the wheat fields,
The awakening of the birds and the morning calm.
You will stay that we enjoyed from you and all that we
Shared beauty and good and I always think again about our joyful exchanges
The words of love that were between us.
Mamina my dear, we will never forget your eyes so sweet and full of life, your radiant beauty, your intelligence and your subtle bright smile.
You were a great lady and mamina, you have given us much love and valuable things to move forward in life.
My heart is raw and painful, but it was all said and done and everything is OK between us.
This is great death, that is full of life,
And you will live in our hearts forever