真實人生:聖靈所結的9個果子 加拉太書 傳道書 主持人:Prof Eugenia Shi-Chia Chang

  • 12 years ago
真實人生 主題:聖靈所結的9個果子 加拉太書 傳道書 主持人: 主持人:Prof Eugenia Shi-Chia Chang (加拉太書5:22) 聖靈所結的9個果子就是 仁愛.喜樂.和平.忍耐.恩慈.良善.信實.溫柔.節制 早晨要撒你的種,晚上也不要歇你的手.因為你不知道那一樣發旺,或是早撒的,或是晚撒的,或是兩樣都好(傳道書11:6 Ecclesiastes)In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. (Ecclesiastes11:6) 人所說的一切話,你不要放在心上,恐怕聽見你的僕人咒詛你 因為你心裡知道,自己也曾屢次咒詛別人(傳道書 7:21-22)Do not give ear to all the words which men say, for fear of hearing the curses of your servant.Your heart has knowledge how frequently others have been cursed by you (Ecclesiastes7:21-22)世上有一件虛空的事、就是義人所遭遇的、反照惡人所行的.又有惡人所遭遇的、反照義人所行的.我說、這也 是虛空。(傳道書 8-14)There is a thing which is to no purpose done on the earth: that there are good men to whom is given the same punishment as those who are evil, and there are evil men who get the reward of the good. I say that this again is to no purpose.(Ecclesiastes8:14)


