North Korean Olympic Athletes Face Labor Camp Threats

  • 12 years ago
North Korean Olympic Athletes Face Labor Camp Threats - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

North Korean Olympic athletes are reportedly promised all sorts of perks based on their performance at the 2012 London Summer Olympics. Luxuries like cars, money, modern living arrangements with refrigerators and televisions are given to the winners, and the losers are supposedly threatened with severe punishment such as labor camp confinement. North Koreans are trained and conditioned to praise their leader, newly appointed 28 year old Kim Jong Un. The gold medal winner in 62 kilogram weightlifting told the press in London: "I won first place because the shining Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un gave me power and courage." So far the North Koreans have taken home two gold medals for men’s weightlifting, one gold for women’s judo, and one more gold medal for women’s weightlifting.

Their television stations limit the amount of programming they show from overseas, After showing fifteen minutes of Olympic coverage at first, the state run North Korean TV network is now broadcasting five hours a day, thanks to their athlete’s victories.
