Bhutan's Olympics team tour Olympic park

  • 12 years ago

STORY: Sherab Zam and Kunzang Choden, Bhutan's entire Olympic team, ventured into the Olympic Park Friday for the first time.

The two women have come to London for the first time, competed in an Olympics for the first time and will be taking back techniques in their sports, archery and air-rifle shooting, learned from the top medallists.

Bhutan, a small country between India and China of less than one million people, has archery as its national sport, and has sent archers like Sherab Zam to the Olympic Games since 1984.

This year shooter Choden has also been sent to compete in the women's 10m air-rifle contest.

Neither advanced from the group stage of their contests but they were full of enthusiasm for the competitions which allowed them to rub shoulders with champions and watch their technique.

Now the Bhutan pair have free time until the closing ceremony on August 12.

Already they have met world and Olympic 100m champion Usain Bolt of Jamaica, and Queen Elizabeth II during their stay at the Games.

"First we met the Usain Bolt in the opening ceremony, and secondly we are meeting the Queen in the dining hall," said Zam. "So many people are rushing so we don't know, who is this? By looking, the Queen is there and then we rush to see them all, it is very nice."

Both ventured into the Olympic Park for the first time after spending their leisure time in the athletes' village, taking photographs and having their photographs taken. They will also visit some of London's tourist sites next week.
