MetalAxes - Never Die

  • il y a 12 ans
Album: The night lord

Vocal/Guitar: JeffOzzy Riggs
Lead Guitar: Red Van Rhoads
Drum: Axil Dragon
Bass: Aleck Hendrix

Lyrics wirtten by JeffOzzy:
June 6th 1944
America, Canada and the United Kingdom
Are ready to put an end to the rise of evil
On the normandy beach they are ready to kill
They will do anything to save their country
The warships reach the beach of death

Splashes of blood made the water red
But they were not afraid of their own death
They are already dead but full of courage
For their victory they turn to assault
Thousands are dead on this beach of death
They will stay in the hearts of every soldier

Run for shelter
Kill for survive
Never hide
Never die
Run for shelter
Kill for survive
Never hide
Never die

During night Hitler shot himself in the head
This is but a legend for their is something else
A mysterious man who works at night
An assassin hired to kill with no fight
He runs at night jumps from roof to roof
Searching his pray to end his life and avenge the world

Run for shelter
Kill for survive
Never hide
Never die
Run for shelter
Kill for survive
Never hide
Never die


Past the guards and sneakedto his room
Hitler selt his presence and started to run
Yhe assassin followed with agility
He took out his dagger and struck to the heart
Leaving Hitler to agony and pain
The rise of evil came to an end

Run for shelter
Kill for survive
Never hide
Never die
Run for shelter
Kill for survive
Never hide
Never die

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