• 12 years ago
Συνέντευξη ασθενή από την Ντεραά (Deraa)
I’m 34 years old. I was injured during a protest. All of a sudden they started shooting, firing at all the protestors. I was shot in the shoulder and had an opération during which my nerves were severed. As a result I needed specialized surgery in a well-equipped hospital. That is why I came here. In Syria, the injured cannot go to proper hospitals, they can only go to first aid hospitals, small clinics. But nerve repair surgery simply isn't possible. Field hospitals in Syria can provide first aid, they can stop bleeding, stitch wounds, but then you leave. You can't stay even if you need a drip or follow-up care. I had to change house three times. If the doctor had disinfectant, he would clean my wound. Then he would refer me to another doctor, and another one again, until we could find a doctor who could stitch wounds. It took me five months to get here to Jordan. I had an operation, I returned to Syria, and then came back here again. I've been here since December. It's been five or six months now, but I can't go back yet.


