STEP 17: SCOOP.IT - 23 Steps to Conquer Social Media

  • 12 years ago
We are at step 17, Listen in to know a bit more about the application!

Hi, this is Wayne Mansfield. Welcome back to my 23 Steps to Conquer Social
Media 2012. One of the great things about the Internet now, it allows you
to be a curator. That is, you collect all interesting information on a
particular subject that you want authority on, and put it in one place. One
of the really great applications that allows you to do that is one called, which is S-C-O-O-P.I-T.

Basically, is a function which is if you're interested in a
particular subject, they provide a steady flow of information regarding
that subject. You select which ones you want to publish, and they publish
it under your channel. So, the two subjects that I have chosen are
Margaret River, my place of birth, and I sort of carry a little flag for
Margaret River wherever I go in the world. The wine is fantastic, the
cheese is unbelievable, the dairy products just fantastic. They have world
surfing championships at the point, where I, as a kid, learned how to surf.
I have this fond place in my heart for Margaret River, so I publish one or
two articles a week about Margaret River.

And then, the other one that I have curate for me is People with
Klout, K-L-O-U-T, and it finds articles for me that I put out on a regular
basis about Klout. What this does is feed back to my other outlets on the
net, and it gives me more authority in those two areas. So, I recommend
that you have a look at Klout. I think you can have up to five subjects
before you go into their paid model, but it works fantastically well.
That's Step 17 of my 23 Steps to Conquer Social Media 2012. Until next
time, this is Wayne Mansfield saying, thank you for looking in.
