CGRundertow STARDRONE for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of StarDrone from Beatshapers, a downloadable game for the PlayStation 3. StarDrone is a downloadable game that's kind of an arcade-puzzler of sorts. It's actually difficult to brand StarDrone with a specific label or genre, if only for how many different styles it mixes together to create its eclectic gameplay. You're collecting stuff, you're solving puzzles, you're flying all over the place. And for the most part, you're melting your brain with unrelentingly pulsating rhythms, lights, electronic beats and, if you're anything like me, catastrophic explosions. This video review features video gameplay footage of StarDrone for the PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.