Supporting Our Military Heroes

3BL Media

by 3BL Media

AT&T Consumer Blog

By Jason Leiker

Like many movements, it started with a single voice. The voice of a 15-year-old girl:

“I know that you are a big company and probably get requests for help all the time, but our troops really need us to help them right now more than ever.”

That was the voice of Brittany Bergquist who, with her younger brother Robbie, founded a nonprofit in 2004 called Cell Phones for Soldiers, an organization dedicated to providing deployed and returning troops free ways to connect with their family back home while serving their country. AT&T rose to meet her call – forging a relationship and commitment that has spanned six years and generated more than $3 million in support from AT&T and our customers.

At AT&T we feel it is our duty to support both our deployed soldiers and those returning home, as we have for over 90 years. This is one of the reasons we actively recruit military veterans for positions throughout the company and support organiz