Hannibal-Der Albtraum Roms1

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حنبعل بركا الشهير بهانيبال أو هانيبعل هو من أهم القادة
العسكريين القرطاجيين. ولد بقرطاج سنة 247 قبل الميلاد، ورافق وهو في التاسعة من عمره والده أميلكار بركا في حملته على اسبانيا. وفي سنة 221 اختاره الجنود قائدا بعد اغتيال صدربعل زوج أخته صلامبو، فتمكن من بسط نفوذ قرطاج على كامل شبه الجزيرة الإيبيرية بما في ذلك إحدى المحميات الرومانية. وقد رأت روما في ذلك خرقا للمعاهدة التي عقدت إثر الحرب البونيقية الأولى، وطالبت بتسليمها حنبعل، وقد كان رفض هذا الطلب سببا في اندلاع الحرب البونيقية الثانية بين سنتي 218 و201 قبل الميلاد.


Hannibal (2008 film)
Upcoming film
Directed by Vin Diesel
Produced by Vin Diesel
George Zakk
Written by David Franzoni
Ross Leckie
Starring Vin Diesel
F. Valentino Morales
Yorick van Wageningen
Ana Vega
Release date(s) 2008
Language Punic, Greek and Latin
Budget 51,000,000 dollars
IMDb profile

Hannibal the Conqueror is a 2008 film, based on the novel by Ross Leckie, directed by and starring Vin Diesel. It centers on the Carthaginian commander Hannibal who led a mighty army across the Alps and wreaked havoc on the Romans from 218 BC until his defeat in 202 BC.

Diesel, who has wanted to produce a movie about Hannibal for many years, stated in March of 2005 that the film's budget was still in question. Diesel said that he was in "soft pre-production" at that time, attempting to reduce the film's proposed budget - which an unnamed studio had quoted at a titanic 217 million dollars - down to a more manageable 50 million dollars. Diesel has admitted seeking advice with director Mel Gibson on making a movie with an ancient language as well as getting financiers, stating: ""Passion of the Christ helps the cause because it says you can do a foreign film and it will do business" [1].

So far the cast that has been announced; obviously Vin Diesel will play the leading role as Hannibal Barca. Valentino Morales, Vins inseparable friend will play the brother of Hannibal Barca, Hasdrubal. Other cast that have been announced, Yorick Van Wageningen and Ana Vega have no specific role as of yet.

Diesel has apparently scouted locations and has worked out a script in Greek, Latin and Punic and is currently still in negotiations and pre-production. While doubts lingered over the movie's production for several years, Vin Diesel fansite VinXperience has reported that the filming for Hannibal will begin in November (2006). Diesel will apparently shoot the final scripted scenes for Hannibal in the Dominican Republic before going to Spain and California early next year to shoot the rest of the movie while the release date is still either 2007/08.

On July 21st, 2006 Vin Diesels company One Race Films announced that they will produce Hannibal together with BET's Animation Division as an animated series. Planned are six episodes which are to be shown in a primetime slot in fall 2007. Vin Diesel will voice the general, as he already did with the 'Iron Giant' back in 1999.[citation needed]

According to IMDB.com, as of late 2006, the title of the movie has been selected as "Hannibal the Conqueror"

source :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_%282008_film%29