Soapberries Safe Green High Energy Detergent

  • 12 years ago Soapberries: High Efficiency Detergent Minus the Harmful Chemicals

People have become critical of the items that they use in a daily basis from water filters to light bulbs. Not only are we becoming more appreciative and protective of the environment, the emergence of various lifestyle diseases has kept us on our toes when it comes to the items we use which have chemicals for active ingredients.

Although our laundry detergents may only come in direct contact with our clothes, this does not exempt the fact that our clothes stick to your skin for hours and that residual chemicals might make way from our integuments to inside our body. In fact, the use of phenols, common in most laundry detergents, has been linked to hypersensitive reactions from allergies to the serious anaphylactic attacks. The chemical can easily make its way through the bloodstream and may affect organs like the heart, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys.

While there exist a growing list of green detergents, the only thing pulling consumers back from trying these safer alternatives is the question of how effective these detergents really are minus all the chemical ingredients. At the same time, most of these so-called safe laundry detergents still contain minute yet significant quantities of chemicals.