Male assaulted by male & female Queen & Alma

  • 12 years ago
Codiac R.C.M.P. responded to a call on Queen Street and Alma for a male that was assaulted by a woman. Unknown to the male she walked up and punched him in the face as the bars were letting out around 2:40 A.M. People have a hard time getting taxi's on Main Street so they walk up side streets in hopes to flag down a taxi. Then a few minutes later another call that a man was assaulted at the same corner this time by a white male and a native woman, and they took off running down Alma into the parking garage. More Police arrived and searched the area for the 2 suspects. A Ambulance arrived to treat the injured man along with Moncton Fire. Shortage of taxi's during the club rush kept Police busy with many fights downtown tonight.
5:12 A.M. and now district 4 RCMP just caught another drunk driver on Dieppe Blvd, requesting Codiac for assistance. The City of Moncton better wake up and start making taxi drivers work or there is going to be more drinking and driving.,....
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